About the Department
The department of English was established along in the year 1960. The department comprises of the 4 subjects viz. - Compulsory English, English Literature, Functional English and Supplementary English. The department also has Ph.D. Research Centre and the state of art Language Laboratory.
In this era of globalization, English has successfully removed the tag of a foreign language attached to it and has no longer remained the language of elite few. It is now the window to the world, displaying the splendid spectrum of education, philosophy, science and technology, pragmatically serving as an effective auxiliary language. The department maps and plans the activities to materialize these goals.
Enlarge the world around with English Language, ‘the accretion and growth of every dialect, race and range of time’.
The mission of the Department is to promote the study of English Language and enhance the communication and soft skills of the students making them ready for the various academic, corporate and industrial needs.
Aims and Objectives
The Department of English seeks
- To promote the mission of the college i.e. the pursuit of knowledge.
- To provide students with an education of the highest quality in the English language, in Literature written in English and in critical and creative writing.
- To enhance the communication skills and soft skills of the students.
- To motivate the students to participate in and contribute to the wider community through extension activities.
Career Opportunities in English
After the completion of a particular degree, it is natural that a vast range of choices gets available to students. Among the vast number of opportunities, here are some of the career options that can be opted for by students.
- Teaching Profession: Teaching is the most sought after field for the students of English. They can work in public or private schools at the primary or secondary level and may also work in independent educational institutions that specialize in English education. English professors are educators who teach English classes to college and graduate students. They often instruct students on various subjects, including literature, poetry, creative and technical writing and literary criticism.
- ESL teacher: English as a second language or ESL teachers are professionals whose primary responsibility is to instruct students in English vocabulary, grammar and syntax so that they can communicate effectively in English.
- Interpreter/ translator: Interpreters and translators are language professionals who work to facilitate communication between people who speak different languages. Translators and interpreters may work for a variety of employers including government agencies, private companies that do business internationally and nonprofit organizations.
- Author: Authors are writers who specialize in creating original written content. They may work independently as freelancers or for a larger organization.
- Web content specialist: Web content specialists are professionals who develop and update web-based materials for their clients. Web content specialists then work with other professionals such as graphic designers, programmers, copywriters and project managers to create attractive and functional websites and web-based marketing tools.
- Editor: Editors work to ensure the quality of books and other written materials. They may work for publishing companies or for any company that regularly publishes written content.
- Paralegal: Paralegals are legal professionals who assist lawyers in a variety of ways. They often conduct legal research to help lawyers construct arguments and prepare for court cases. Paralegals often draft legal documents including wills, briefs, and may handle administrative tasks such as organizing and filing documents.
- Advertising Manager: Advertising managers are marketing professionals who oversee the advertising campaigns of their company. Advertising managers oversee teams of professionals such as marketers, social media professionals, graphic designers and copywriters to design and release advertising campaigns that persuade customers to support their business.
- Copywriter: Copywriters are professionals who create written content for companies to publish online. Copywriters may write about a wide variety of topics, which can require them to conduct research.
- Publisher: Publishers work to bring written materials into print. They often meet with authors to discuss publication ideas and to review samples of their work. They can then work with artists and marketing professionals to develop covers, promotional materials and printing schedules for the writer’s materials.
Best Practices
After careful consideration of the present scenario the Department of English has devised a variety of innovative and productive practices to encourage the use of English language among student community.
- ASPIRE: The department publishes a monthly special bulletin “Aspire” to enhance the language skills of the students. The bulletin includes various sections like motivational article, current knowledge, vocabulary, special author of the month etc.
- VIBGYOR: In order to develop students’ interest in English literature and develop their creative writing skill, the department publishes the quarterly wall magazine VIBGYOR.
- LA LINGUAPURA: In collaboration with other language departments of the college, the department undertakes various inter-language departmental activities to give a glimpse of literature in other languages to the students.
Future Plan
- To start an activity based programme entitled “Proficiency Hub” so as to improve the language skills of the inmates.
- To organize Seminars and Conferences.
Faculty Profile

Dr. Mahendra S. Chhangani
Name of Faculty : Dr. Mahendra S. Chhangani
Designation : Professor
Qualification : B.Sc.,M.A.(Eng), M.A. (Sub. Comm.) Ph.D.
Mobile : 9423126274
Email : mschhangani@gmail.com
Teaching Experience : 33 years
Research Experience : 10 Years
No. of Scholars in Ph.D. :
Registered | 01 |
Submitted | 00 |
Awarded | 00 |
No. Of Scholars awarded M.Phil : -
Appointment on various authorities/bodies of university :-
Professional Membership :
- Member of AINET (Association of English Teachers)
- Member of Aadhar Social Foundation
- Life Member of Cancer Relief Society ,Amravati
Professional Membership : Nil
Any Awards or Recognition :
- Award by the Management for the noteworthy contribution as an IQAC Coordinator
- Best Teacher Award by the Management

Dr. Santosh R. Rathod
Name of Faculty :Dr. Santosh R. Rathod
Designation : Professor
Qualification : M.A.(Eng), M.Phil., M. A. (Sub. Comm.) Ph.D.
Mobile : 9588469728
Email : santoshrathod69@gmail.com
Teaching Experience : 31 years
Research Experience : 22 Years
No. of Scholars in Ph.D. :
Registered | 01 |
Submitted | 00 |
Awarded | 00 |
No. Of Scholars awarded M.Phil : -
Appointment on various authorities/bodies of university :-
Professional Membership :
- Member of AINET (Association of English Teachers)
Any Awards or Recognition : -

Dr Jagruti S Vyas
Name of Faculty :Dr Jagruti S Vyas
Designation : Associate Professor
Qualification : M.A.(Eng) Ph.D.
Mobile : 9403114381
Email : jagruti3.vyas@rediffmail.com | vyasj792@gmail.com
Teaching Experience : 14 years
Research Experience : 14 Years
No. of Scholars in Ph.D. :
Registered | 02 |
Submitted | 00 |
Awarded | 00 |
No. Of Scholars awarded M.Phil : -
Appointment on various authorities/bodies of university :
- Member of Study Material Preparation committee for Distance Education Centre of SGBAU ,Amravati
- Member of Selection Committee ,SGBAU, Amravati
Professional Membership :
- Member of AINET (Association Of English Teachers)
- Member of Aadhar Foundation, Amravati
- Member of WECS (Wild life and Environment Conservation Society),Amravati
Any Awards or Recognition : Amazon Best Seller for the poetry collection “Dear Life”

Dr. Sanjay M. Reddy
Name of Faculty :Dr. Sanjay M. Reddy
Designation : Associate Professor
Qualification : M.A.(Eng), B.Ed., M. Phil., Ph.D. & SET
Mobile : 9371245645
Email : sanjayreddy2011@rediffmial.com
Teaching Experience : 09 years
Research Experience : 09 Years
No. of Scholars in Ph.D. :
Registered | 01 |
Submitted | 00 |
Awarded | 00 |
No. Of Scholars awarded M.Phil : -
Appointment on various authorities/bodies of university :
- Member of Subject Examination Committee for B.P.A SGBAU, Amravati.
- Appointed as Expert on Categorisation Work at SGBAU. Amravati.
Professional Membership :
- Member of AINET (Association Of English Teachers)
- Member of Aadhar Foundation
- Member of WECS (Wild life and Environment Conservation Society)
Any Awards or Recognition : -
Publication (Dr. Mahendra S. Chhangani)
- Books: 01
- Chapters in Books : 04
- International Journal : 15
- National Journal : 02
- Conference : 01
- E-Content : Study material for the students, PPTs and youtube videos.
Publication (Dr. Santosh R. Rathod)
- Books: 00
- Chapters in Books : 04
- International Journal : 09
- National Journal : 04
- Conference : 05
- E-Content : Study material for the students, PPTs and youtube videos.
Publication (Dr Jagruti S Vyas)
- Books: 01
- Research Publications : 42
- E-Content : Study material for the students, PPTs and youtube videos.
Publication (Dr. Sanjay M. Reddy)
- Books: -
- Chapters in Books : 04
- International Journal : 07
- National Journal : -
- Conference : 01
- E-Content : Study material for the students, PPTs and youtube videos.