- 1) Under-graduate students are issued TWO Borrower’s Tickets .(B.T.)
- 2) Post-graduate students are issued FOUR Borrower’s Tickets. (B.T.)
- 3) In case the B.T. is lost, duplicate B. T. can be had on payment of 10/- each.
- 4) Any damage to the book issued should be brought to the notice of issuing person before leaving the counter or else the student concerned will be held responsible for the damage.
- 5) The students must return the books on or before the specified date. Any delay will attract a fine of 1/- per day.
- 6) If a book is lost, the student has to replace the same or pay twice the cost of the book in addition to a fine of 100/- per book.
- 7) Journals, periodicals and newspapers are available in the reading room. The same is issued on furnishing Identity Cards.
- 8) Library facility is open to Approved Research Scholars, Research Guides and Alumni as per the College Library rules.
- 9) Complaints & suggestions are to be addressed to the convener of the Library Committee. Principal’s decision shall stay final in this regard.
- 10) A special focus is given on expansion of e-library.
- 11) Every student should withdraw atleast five books in a month.
- 12) Library Association - With a view to boosting reading habit among the students Library Association is founded. Besides the college students, the parents are also awarded eligibility and are welcome to avail the membership of the Association. For this they will have to pay the membership fee of 10/- as stipulated by the Library Committee.
- 13) Research students can avail the facility of the library by depositing the required fees.
- 14) Talking C.Ds. and Audio-Video study material are made available to the visually challenged students.
- 15) Two students are given "The Best Reader Award" every year.
- 16) On the occassion of International Women's Day, Library Deptt. organises "Essay Competition" every year. The participants are given certificates.
- 17) Weekly 1 period made available for Library Visit.
The Institute has a well equipped environment friendly Women's Hostel to fulfil the needs of the outstation students with an intake capacity of 61.
- 1. Spacious rooms, well ventilated and illuminated.
- 2. Each hostellite is provided with Bed, Mattress, chair, table and locker.
- 3. Filtered cold drinking water.
- 4. Hot water for bathing.
- 5. Full time lady warden, security guard and CCTV Survillence.
- 6. Healthy and hygienic food through mess. (on payment basis)
- 7. Coolers in each room for fixed hours in the month of April & May.
- 8. Hall for yoga, zumba and other extra curricular activities with trainer. (on payment basis)
- 9. Special ladies Gym with trainer. (on payment basis)
- 10. T.V., Newspaper and magazines for hostellite.
- 11. Table tennis, carrom, chess and indoor games for hostellite.
- 12. Homely environment created by celebrating major festivals and events.
- 13. 5 Sports girl students are given complete free facilities.
- 14. Two Charity beds for financially backward and needy girls. Preference will be given according to merit and proper documents.
- 15. Ramp facility is available.

Rules for Admission to Hostel :
- i) The college girl students will be given preferance for the admission.
- ii) Total Annual Hostel Fees is Rs. 20,000/- (One time payment) for Single Bed and 14000/- for Bunk Bed in Hall.
- iii) Rs. 1000/- caution fee (refundable) for mishandling/ breakage and irresponsible usage by hostellites.
- iv) It is mandatory for the Parents / Guardians to remain present at the time of admission.
Women's Hostel Management Committee :
- President
- Member
- Secretary
- Co-ordinator
- Member
- Member
- Member
- Member
- Member
- Member
- Warden
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- Shri. Vasantkumarji Malpani
- Dr. Shri. Govindji Lahoti
- Dr. V.L. Bhangdia (Principal)
- Dr. Ku. J.N. Mantri
- Dr. Smt. Gayatri Tiwari
- Smt. Neelam N. Ambulkar
- Smt. Bhavana Mundhada
- Dr. G.B. Raghuwanshi
- Dr.Smt. Abha Lahoti (Invited Member)
- Shri. Manish B. Rathi (Invited Member)
- Smt. Prabha Belankar