Shri. Vasantkumar Malpani
- President
Dear Students,
Congratulations for your success in the previous examination and continuing your march towards your dream destination. It is the goal of Higher Education that it should empower the students for their development of skills and competency so that they can be fit in the global market. Our institution plays a vital role in materialising this goal. The paramount importance given to academics in our college is reflected from the merit list of SGBAU, wherein every year a number of our academic stalwarts from various streams secure their place. However, we always try to maintain a perfect balance between academics, sports, arts and extension in order to impart ability to the students for facing multitasking in future. We endeavor to work as a catalyst in making each and every learner a balanced human being having his/her core strengths embedded in the learning
experiences emanating from our rich socio-cultural roots.
This spirit gets reflected through a host of curricular, cocurricular and extra-curricular activities conducted in our institution. Mapping the unique individuality of every student we plan the annual calendar and fill it with activities imparting analytical thinking, business acumen, creativity, ethical approach, inquiry, sportsmanship and multicultural orientation while nurturing a strong sense of social and environmental responsibility. We, as a team, continue to put in our efforts for the academic and all round development of our institution. These efforts have culminated in getting reaccredited with grade ‘A’ by NAAC consecutively for the second time
I must congratulate you for making a life- transforming decision to be a part of this college that believes in the multi-faceted development of the students. We continue our journey towards excellence for I believe that there is a powerful driving force inside every human being that ,once unleashed ,can make any vision ,dream or desire a reality.
All the best!
Vasantkumar Malpani
Shri. Ganeshdas Rathi Chhatralaya Samiti,