About the Department
- Department of Political science started at U.G. Level in 1960 and at P. G. Level in 2011.
- Well known for hard working qualified teaching staff who gives Personal attention towards students.
By studying and understanding political science, both locally and globally, we can make informed decisions on a wide range of topics – including international relations, public policy, legal systems, human rights and economic development.
Since its establishment, the Department has a noble vision of disseminating knowledge of Political Science. The department endeavors to promote civic sense, scientific temperament and social and national responsibility among the students through formal education in Political Science. Apart from these, the department aims at developing capacity of critical inquiry, critical thinking and logical standing of contemporary national and global political issues. Moreover, the department aims at building capacity of leadership competency, self-dependent and good quality of national and global citizenship among the students.
- To create congenial academic environment in the department in order to set a new benchmark in higher education.
- To undertakes innovative initiatives for pursuing academic excellence in teaching, research and extension activities.
- To organizes seminar, counseling, viva voce, debate and other innovative teaching learning methods to develop new knowledge in the field through critical research and scholastic inquiry.
- To arrange remedial classes for students who can hardly cope up with general learning process along with their fellow learners.
- To impart education through various formal and informal training in order to equip students with changing pace of time and develop analytical perspectives in them.
- To arrange educational tour, publish mouthpiece, wall magazines and pamphlets and organize students’ parliament so as to develop leadership capacity among the students.
- To undertake awareness activities for promoting and inculcating democratic and egalitarian norms and values among the students.
Departmental Facilities
- Highly Qualified Staff
- Transparent Admission Process with Counseling Facility
Career Opportunities in Political science
A degree in political science is a gateway to lead a powerful career in state and local government or the organizations related to them. Candidates with a degree and great knowledge of political science can pursue a career in many fields such as law, journalism, marketing research, teaching, and civil services.
Best Practices
- 1) Educational tour of BA and MA students to Maharashtra Legislative Assembly to witness the proceedings of Nagpur session.
- 2) Awareness Drive regarding civilian duties like voting, cleanliness, literacy and many more.
- 3) Celebration of various days like Constitution Day, Voters’ Day and Democracy Day.
Future Plan
- Modify and update teaching methods in keeping with challenges and demands of the present times.
- Work on developing an alumni network.
- To encourage teachers to take up more research projects.
- Greater use of technology in teaching.
- Introduction of remedial classes for the educationally disadvantaged students.
Faculty Profile

Dr. Maya S. Watane
Name of Faculty : Dr. Maya S. Watane
Designation : Associate Professor
Qualification : M.A. In Political Science , M.A. In Music, B.ed., Phd
Mobile : 9370002832
Email : mayawatane4@gmail.com
Teaching Experience : 26 Years
Research Experience : 12 Years
No. of Scholars in Ph.D. :
Registered | 05 |
Submitted | 01 |
Awarded | 01 |
No. Of Scholars awarded M.Phil : Nil
Appointment on various authorities/bodies of university :
- Member – Subject Examination Committee SGBAU.
- Member- Categorization committee SGBAU.
- Recognized Ph.D Supervisor of Political Sci. SGBAU.
Professional Membership : Nuta
Any Awards or Recognition : Nil
Publication (Dr. Maya S. Watane)
- Books: 02
- Chapters in Books : 08
- International Journal : 02
- National Journal : 22
- Conference : 06
E- content :
- Syllabus Based P.P.T - 60
- Videos - 65